Dr Mark Courtney
Ear, Nose and Throat, Head and Neck Surgery
Paediatric and Adult
Suite 6A, Fred McKay House
John Flynn Hospital
42 Inland Drive
Tugun 4224
Phone 07 5630 2600 Fax 07 5601 0052

Practice Forms
You will need a consultation before any surgery, Dr Courtney will be available at John Flynn Private Hospital, Tugun. He operates privately at John Flynn and Gold Coast Private Hospitals.
Dr Courtney may also offer people that are uninsured options for Gold Coast University Hospital. For more information please talk to staff during business hours after your consultation.
If you are having an operation with Dr Courtney you will also need to complete a Confirmation of Information Received Form.
If you will be using the Coast Anaesthesia Group for anaesthesia, their website is www.coastanaesthesia.com.au or you can contact them on 07 5598 0663.